Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nursery Sewing

With an upcoming baby shower around the corner I offered to sew the nursery items... crib skirt, bumper pads, quilt and valance.  It was rewarding and I was given free reign to be creative.  Because I wanted to do this project I enjoyed it.  Some projects I wonder "what the @#&% was I thinking" but this was not one of them.

Unfortunately I do not have photos of everything I made but here is the quilt and a little stuffed elephant from scraps.

Isn't that elephant cute?   I have the tutorial for that.

Start by downloading this pdf pattern.

You will need:
1/3 yard of fabric for body 
coordinating scrap fabric for contrasting ear
embroidery floss for eye
6 inches of cording for tail or use contrasting fabric
scrap of quilt batting

Step 1
Print the pattern and tape the body to the head matching solid line.  

Step 2
Fold 1/3 yard of fabric in half.   Place pattern pieces on fabric and cut.
Cut contrasting ear on folded piece of scrap fabric and on quilt batting.

Step 3
Stack ear pieces in the following order; contrasting ear right side up, ear with main fabric right side down, batting.

Step 4
Sew 1/4 inch around ear leaving side of ear open for turning.  Hint: sew with batting on top.
Clip curves, turn right side out.  Fold open edge to inside, press.

Step 5
Attach ear to head using the dotted line for placement.  I used a blanket stitch on my machine but any stitch will do.  For a more whimsical look have the contrasting fabric side facing out.


Step 6
Using embroidery floss and hand needle, stitch an X on both sides of head referring to pattern for placement.

Step 7
Pin the ear down to keep it away from getting caught in the seam.  Pin tail to elephant referring to pattern for placement.  

Step 8
Pin pattern pieces right sides together.  Stitch leaving opening for turning and stuffing.  Clip curves of seam allowance, turn right side out and press.

Step 9
Begin stuffing elephant by starting with the trunk and legs.  Continue stuffing but do not overstuff.   Sew opening closed by hand with a slip stitch.

Show me your creation.  I'd love to see what fabric choices you make and other additions to the pattern.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bedside Table Transformation

I recently took a class with Shizzle Design on using CeCe Caldwell paints.  I was inspired to change my bedroom look after some recent painting in the bathroom.   We had all the oak trim on our main floor painted white and the wallpaper stripped from the bathroom.  The bathroom was then painted with a deep berry color.   Now what color to use for towels and shower curtain... Gray was my choice and I love it.  What do you think?

Now back to updating the bedroom... I have had the same bedspread for over 11 years.   You must agree that it is time for a change.  Since the bathroom is attached to the bedroom I want to keep the color scheme flowing.  Here is my old bedside table.  The dresser matches, natural pine top with a wash of green over the rest of the piece.

Step 1
Wash the furniture with TSP, a simple inexpensive powder cleaner that is added to water.  This important step will help the paint adhere.  You can find it in the paint section of your hardware store near the paint stripper.

Step 2
I painted the piece with CeCe Caldwell's Seattle Mist, being careful to have the areas that I would later want exposed covered well with paint.  You can see the first coat drying in this photo.

Step 3
After the paint was dry (you can use a blow dryer to speed up the process) I proceeded with the second coat using CeCe Caldwell's Pittsburgh Gray.  Now let that coat dry.  I waited over 24 hours but that was not my original intention.   During the class we got word that there were tornado/storm warnings and I decided to head home.   I did not get back to my table for about a day and a half.

Step 4
Now the fun begins.  Using a wet, not damp and not dripping, rag, begin to gently rub the areas you want distressed revealing the first layer.   Don't rub too hard or you will get back to the original finish.  You can keep rinsing and re-wetting your rag as needed.  After rubbing all the edges and corners, I scrunched up my wet rag and gently rubbed the flat areas to create some dimension.   I went both with and against the grain.  Again let it dry.

Step 5
Tear a piece of paper grocery bag and use it to rub against all surfaces.   This helps make it smooth to the touch.

Step 6
Using CeCe Caldwell's clear wax and a waxing brush apply the wax.   For the entire bedside table I probably used 2 tablespoons of wax.  Work the wax into all areas going every direction with your brush.  Here is a tutorial link on applying the wax from Shizzle Design. 

Step 7
You can let the wax set a while or go right at it with a buffing brush or rag.  I used a wax brushing brush that attaches to your drill.  Easy to use and the time savings is worth it.  Another tutorial link from Shizzle Design.

Here is my finished product.

Now the fun begins... I need to paint the dresser, pick out fabric to sew window treatments, a window seat cover, pillows and possibly a new bedspread or duvet!   I will post my progress as I redecorate.  Wish me luck.

Thanksgiving Burlap Table Runner

Yesterday as I was thinking about my family coming to spend Thanksgiving with us I thought I needed to make it look fall-ish around here.  I went through my scraps and found some burlap.   After searching the Internet for images of painted burlap table runners, I found a few ideas I could use.

Step 1
Cut the burlap to the length you want for your table by measuring your table.  If you want it to hang over the sides I suggest adding about 16 inches giving an 8 inch drop per side.  For the width between 15 and 18 inches is common.

Step 2
If you have a sewing machine, zig-zag the cut edge to prevent fraying or turn under a 1/4 inch all around.   If you do not have a sewing machine there is a product called Fray Check that can be run along the edges to prevent the burlap from fraying.

Step 3
Now on your computer find a font that you like and print the words you want to use on your runner.  I used Zapfino font size 110 (I like the G and T on this font).  If you have access to clip art you can also print out a border or image to use.  I could not find what I wanted so I drew this wheat design on paper and then folded my paper in half to copy the image for the other side.

Step 4
Position the printed pages under the edge of your runner and secure so that burlap and paper stay stationary.  Using a fine tip black Sharpie Marker trace the image, you can see through the burlap so tracing is easy.   It's that simple, no painting involved!

Step 5
Enjoy your new table runner and think of the possibilities of your next project.   Maybe a pillow with your monogram Sharpied on!

In case you are wondering what the centerpiece is made of those are Osage Oranges from a friend's yard after the wind storm we had here two days ago.  They are not edible but should last through Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Little of Me

Welcome to Cloudy Creations, a place to charge your creative side.   I hope my tutorials make it easy for you to make your own creations.  

Friends tell me "you are so creative and talented", but truth be told, I need the visual to help me accomplish my projects.   Therefore I look at other, more creative blog sites searching for ideas to inspire me.   

So set aside the next cloudy day and get creative.